Our boot camp is fun, exciting, challenging and all done in the great outdoors. We never do the same workout twice! If you enjoy working out with others who are of like mind and want to see results then this boot camp is for you!
Boot Camp Success Stories
In September of 2012, I began the Fitness by Example Boot Camp led founder Michael Echevarria, CFT. I was looking for motivation to reboot my metabolism and, I prefer to exercise outside so, “Boot Camp” sounded like a good choice. As one who has been involved in many aspects of health and fitness for more than thirty years, I feel qualified to say the Fitness by Example is an exceptional organization. It is rare to find the level of professionalism, knowledge, motivation and enthusiasm that Michael demonstrates in an atmosphere of encouragement and comradery. He is truly a gem! Cassie
Michael, I wanted to take a second and thank you for all you have done in helping me achieve my physical fitness goals. I was referred to you by a friend and started your outdoor boot camp in early 2012. I had done a similar indoor boot camps up to then but WOW what a difference it has made by giving Fitness By Example a try. I must say I was a little skeptical at first that your 30 minuet boot camp was going to give me the results I wanted compared to the one hour camp I had been accustomed to. I will say I have been totally blown away. The format you use and methodical training methods has given me better results in your 30 min work out than anything else I had ever done. When I started I was a 47 year old modestly fit 220 pounder. Since then I am down to 207 and have become more physically fit, less body fat, more muscle and have more endurance than when I was in my 20’s……..YOUR METHOD REALLY WORKS!!! I am having so much fun in your Monday through Friday camps that I have just started the Saturday Tough Mudder class and I have signed up to do run the Savage Race in October!!!! Who would of thunk…..getting close to 50 and running in an endurance race that I would not have even attempted in my 20’s. Michael, thanks to Fitness by Example I have never felt better!!! Louis S
I started working with Michael in September 2012. I didn’t think it was something that I could do or something that I would enjoy doing. After starting and seeing how much I enjoyed it and seeing the results I obtained in the short amount of time was amazing, just from coming to the boot camps. I have tried different weight loss programs but was never able to stick with them, they get boring or I lose interest in them. Since starting to do the boot camps I have lost over 35 pounds, which has enabled me to do different things now, I look and feel better, I am not tired after 5 minutes of exercise anymore, I have gone from a size 42 pants size to a size 36. If anyone was thinking that they can’t do this type of program they are WRONG!!! Michael is an excellent trainer and uses positive reinforcements to help you reach your goals, and he doesn’t set impossible goals for you to reach. I would definitely recommend giving Michael’s boot camp a try, you will be surprised at the results you get. Mike Tenda
I had gained 60+ lbs last year when I was pregnant with my son.Pre-baby, I was petite weighing about 118 lbs. Even though I shed about 30 lbs after I had my son, I was stalled and struggled to lose the remaining. This was a combination of poor diet and lack of accountability for exercising. I joined bootcamp due to the encouragement from my husband and my frustration at my weight (my frame is small and the extra weight was causing knee and ankle pain). It has been two weeks since I joined boot camp (~6 classes) and I have lost 6 lbs already! Mike makes me work hard but the results areobvious! The boot camp workout in combination with a healthy meal plan makes me more energetic, optimistic and have a positive outlook towards my weight loss goals! Raji Cabey
I joined Michael’s boot camp and what a joy. I had just had shoulder surgery 6 months before and was looking for something to rebuild my strength. It is so good to get up early and start the day with a great work out. Michael makes the program fun and achievable and the time goes quickly. Another great thing is there are AM and PM classes so it can work to fit your schedule. Michael gives easy instruction and guidance for good form to help benefit your success. He is very easy to follow and helps you feel encouraged to keep up the work so you be successful. I have tried several other programs over the passed few months since my surgery but this one has been my favorite by far and have seen the most progress. I went to boot camp in Oviedo, I also went to Yoga in Winter Park, also went to a personal trainer at Casselberry. All the programs are what you put into each workout but by far I have been encouraged by Michael and seen the most success. I believe it is his technique and knowledge of the full workout. Dorothy Gura, Winter Park
I really enjoy your boot camp! I think you do a great job with the classes and I really like the workout regiments (even if I still can’t do a pushup to save my life). It is by far the best 30 minute workout I have ever done and a much better boot camp then ones I have done in the past. Rebecca Simmons
I have more energy, building muscle, feel more tone and fit then I have in a really long time. I actually look forward to boot camp! At first I was a little reluctant, I thought I would die. If I can do it, you can do it. Try it and you will be hooked on it. It is motivating when someone has the confidence in you that you can do it when you might not think you can. Jenelle Tenda, Casselberry
I’ve been in boot camp for almost two months now, I love it. That statement means a lot coming from me. At first I was doubtful not only I was in a bad shape, but I’m shy and I have not worked out in a long time. I have tried several diets after I gained all the weight during my pregnancy. My daughter is almost two now.
After all this time I finally have people coming over to me and saying “hey are we dropping some pounds, you look slimmer…that’s all you dream of lol.
All I needed was a little help and someone to guide me. Michael is so great at what he does. Even before I started, I wrote him because I was embarrassed, he answered me right away with such a motivated and nice email that I knew I was ready to start.
I have more energy, my clothes fits better. I still have a long way to go. However now I can almost make it through the work out all the way. It feels so good to do something for yourself and not only that but be able to see how your body reacts in a positive way to what you are trying. The class is so much fun, and even when it’s a group I honestly feel like I have my own personal trainer.
Michael will encourage you through the work out, assist in your form, and just be there. Now even if I’m in the gym I heard him saying FINISH STRONG! You just need to try it, don’t take my word for it; give yourself a chance for a better you.
Thanks Michael
Adriana Bolivares
I have truly enjoyed the classes. They are shorter then most boot camps but the intensity makes up for it. I have benefited more from this boot camp than from the prior 3 that were hour long sessions.
I do not have much time to work out so it becomes very difficult to stay on track but because these classes are 30 minutes long and super intense you are able to get the same if not better results from Michael’s course. He is very motivational and positive.
In 6 weeks I noticed a difference and actually look forward to the work outs. You feel like a brand new person after each class. I would recommend this course to everyone, you pick your own intensity so this course will benefit anyone no matter what shape you are in.
Ivette Lorenzo
Having tried several different workout methods, I really enjoyed working out with Michael three times a week for 30-minutes. Even the days I didn’t feel motivated to go, I would remind myself it was only 30 minutes of my day, or as I reminded myself often, only 2% of my day.
The intensity of the workout and its benefits are dependent on what you put into it. With great workouts that focus on the core and strength, I felt rejuvenated and in only 8 weeks saw an improvement. With a variety of individuals at different walks of health and exercise levels, it was wonderful to be able to pace myself and go at a level I felt comfortable with, while still challenging myself to push harder. It was great to not feel intimidated by those who were more advanced or fit than myself. The group is encouraging and all share the same goal of being healthy and getting in shape. I have loved this workout most for the efficiency in the time. With a busy schedule, I love that it’s a hard 30 minutes and not a mediocre hour-long workout. Thanks Michael! Jenelle Ferrer, Winter Park
Joining Michael’s boot camp class has been one of the best decisions I have made. I have noticed a HUGE increase in my upper and lower body strength and my stamina has also increased tremendously.
Although challenging, the boot camp classes are lots of fun and Michael keeps everyone super motivated! The workouts are never the same so it keeps the body guessing. If anyone is interested in joining a boot camp class, I recommend this one 110%. Thanks so much Michael!
Katie Feisthammel, Oviedo
On the fencers: once you get there, you have fun and you see results!
Yes we were reluctant at first, but so glad we went.
Signing up for the Y doesn’t work for us… we feel we are accountable when we don’t show up. I play tennis as well, and I am hoping this core/strength training will help my game as well as toning down our “muffin tops”. 
We have benefited by knowing we accomplished each and every boot camp and though we have not lost a “lot of weight” we can see changes in our bodies.
Rob & Jen Adams, Winter Park
I began working with Michael on February 13, 2012. I have previously exercised via DVD’s or sometimes a class here and there. But when I saw the progress two of my co-workers were having with their Boot Camp Classes, I decided to give it a try. I am so happy that I made that decision. My progress in the past 7 weeks have been amazing. I have so much more energy and I can definitely see results. I have begun to eat better and also sleep much better. My main goal was toning and firming and with Michael’s encouragement and his faith in me I am starting to see my changes. Michael is a very easy person to work with and an excellent teacher. I look forward to our sessions and Michael makes working out fun. I certainly recommend giving it a try. If you are as surprised as I was, you will greatly benefit from Michael Echevarria’s service. Debbie Gonzalez, Kissimmee
I did my first boot camp May 7, 2012…and was instantly hooked. It was tough the first few times, but not enough to quit, and I can already feel myself getting stronger! I’ve lost 7 lbs so far and people are already starting to notice. I was able to do real pushups after only 10 short workouts, and my endurance has increased tenfold. I was so inspired I signed up for the Tough Mudder in December! I’ve never done anything like that before. I really look forward to the workouts because they are quick, fun, and challenging. Michael is a great trainer, he encourages without badgering. I would highly recommend sessions with Michael to anyone who wants to lose weight, gain confidence, build endurance, tone muscles, get stronger and be healthy. Rebecca Curry, Oviedo
It is the hardest thing I have ever done physically in my life but also the best thing I have ever done for myself and my body. I hate morning and not a fan of exercise. To do them both together I thought I had lost my mind. But stick with it even if your “everything” muscle hurts. You will not be sorry that you did. I was absolutely reluctant to do this in the beginning! I would never have done this on my own..the mom/daughter tag team is the only way I would have ever signed up. I am glad Alyssa pushed her mom alittle and said we can do this together mom. I had tried walking around the block after dinner every night, bike riding, zumba classes, treadmill, going to gym. Did them all for awhile but life would always get in the way of continuing for any length of time to see true results for all my effort. I cant believe I am saying this but getting up and making myself go to boot camp at 6am gives me more energy to deal with the stress and non stop pace my worklife & home life taking kids all over town. I have more energy. Feel better about what I see in the reflection in the mirror looking back at me. I had both of my Tibias Broken about 20 years ago and had to learn how to rewalk. I can feel the breaks still when I jump or run. Then I had a 10 foot steel shelf fall on my head and left shoulder about 10 years ago.That has left me with limited rotation without pain in my left shoulder and frequent migraine headaches, at least 1 a week. After starting boot camp I have built up more strength in my legs & shoulder and I don’t want to jinx myself but I have not had any headaches. Michael is an amazing trainer. He made it fun and challenging all at the same time. He has so many people at different levels but never made anyone feel like they are less than awesome at the effort they were putting forth every class. He is always watching to make sure you are getting the best result from every exercise while making sure you are not hurting yourself or pushing yourself too hard. He always says take a break if you need it. Very good and caring instruction. Tami Jones, Casselberry
I began attending Michael’s boot camp last year for a brief period of time. I stopped attending due to my work schedule. However, this year my schedule has allowed me to start classes again. It’s great to be able to take out time for yourself. At first, I was reluctant to have to workout outside but it’s actually nice after being inside an office all day. I look forward to my M-W-F because I know its time I’ve set aside and it also helps to keep me accountable. Michael is very motivating but also stresses the importance of going at your own speed and knowing your limits. There is never any pressure to push beyond a safe limit. The workout is only 30 minutes, but the workout sequence keeps your heart rate up and is an efficient way to get cardio and muscle building benefits. The workouts are fun and a much better way of utilizing the precious time you have than walking on a treadmill for an hour. I would recommend Michael’s boot camp to anyone wanting to improve their overall well-being and working towards building a healthier body. Dr. Vanessa Morales, O.D.
I have come to enjoy waking up early every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and getting my behind kicked by Michael. In just two weeks, I have seen a great change. My clothing fits better and my mindset towards working out and eating right has changed. With each workout, I can feel myself losing more weight, and gaining more confidence. The team environment is great also. One thing that I will tell men to do is to leave their male ego at home. The women at the workout mean business! Michael does a fantastic job motivating the rookies as well as the vets. At the end of the workout, you may feel exhausted and tired, but you’ll definitely leave inspired! Jason Gregory, Oviedo
I was very skeptical to use Mike’s service at first, more because I thought I wasn’t able to do such workouts, and I did not believe in myself. But Mike is an amazing trainer and it’s great to work with such a fitness expert. Not only is he great in training you every step of the way, but he’s also great at motivating you to fight through every obstacle. Mike is not only a trainer, but he is also a friend. He inspires you to succeed and to strive for your goals. Whether the objective is building strength, weight loss or increasing your endurance, Mike makes you believe you can achieve it. From the boot camp I have become stronger and learned the right way of doing exercise. It has motivated me to believe in myself and has made me feel more energized. I’m losing weight which is amazing and it also helps me make healthier choices in my day to day life. I would highly recommend anyone to use Mike’s services; it has changed my life in a tremendous way. Gisselle De Leon, Orlando
I was really reluctant to start boot camp. I thought it would be too hard; I wouldn’t be able to keep up; I would fail miserably at it. I finally decided to go ahead and enroll with Fitness By Example, and I knew almost immediately that I made the right decision. Mike really worked with me. He showed me the proper way to do the exercises and encouraged me to push myself, without hurting myself. Fast forward a couple of months and I am doing things I never thought possible. I even decided to sign up and train for the “Tough Mudder” competition! My energy has significantly increased and people are noticing the change in me. My clothes fit better and I feel better about myself. I would recommend the boot camp program through Fitness By Example to anyone. It was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. Tracey Musgrave, Orlando
When I first saw the word’s “bootcamp” I thought: “oh dear, this is going to hurt”. I knew I hadn’t worked out in awhile and was reluctant to start the training. Now, 4 months later, I am SOO glad I did! I have more muscle, more energy, and overall better health since starting the program. The class is great; you can start and proceed at your own pace. If you haven’t worked out in awhile (like me), start off slow – learn the exercises, and get used to working out again. Once you do that, all you have to do is show up and perform – the more you push yourself the better results you get. It’s all up to you and what you can do. I tried working out at gyms, and work out videos, but got easily distracted or gave up because I was tired or lacked the motivation. Having Mike there teaching the classes really helps – whether it’s learning a new exercise or motivating you to keep going – the results are there and you’ll love it when you see them. If anyone is on the fence, I’d say go for it – you’ll get the results you want and have the support to get there. Joshua Zawicki, Orlando
I started Central Florida Fitness Boot Camp under the training of Michael Echevarria in February 2011.
Michael is an awesome fitness trainer! He pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of doing. His approach is challenging yet encouraging in a way that instills a personal commitment to exercise and to follow through, to dig deep within ourselves and to succeed!
I am grateful to Michael that through his encouragement, I have a new found respect for boot camp!
Barb Youngblood, 59, Winter Park
I was reluctant at first, I had only been running as a form of exercise and was now going to have to use my whole body. It was hard at first, and I was sore for a while, but after sticking with it consistently for weeks I finally got the hang of it. I can last longer during the workouts and can see the improvements in myself. I lost 2 sizes in the first 5 weeks, by going to boot camp and changing my diet. I feel healthier. It’s definitely worth it. Jacquelyn Miller, 24, Orlando
Central Florida Fitness Boot camp is the best workout regimen I have ever participated in. I must admit, I love a challenge…I am a five time marathoner. This class is the perfect mixture of challenge and fun. The feeling I get after accomplishing my 30 minute workout, three times per week is amazing. This class can easily be adapted to fit any fitness level. I started boot camp with a stress fracture in my foot, but Mike was able to give me modifications that worked for me. I have more energy and more “pep in my step” from these boot camp sessions and I look forward to getting stronger everyday! Sandy Antonio
Central Florida Fitness Boot Camp is a wonderful way to get out and make a positive change in your health. It’s not easy to get started with a new fitness routine, but CFFBC is definitely worth the effort you put into it. I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as I do, but after two months, I’m already hooked! I was actually scared that the routines would be too difficult for me. Even though the first workout I went to kicked my butt, I knew that if I kept up the hard work and motivation, I would be able to keep up with the people who have been coming for months (and even years)! Michael does a great job of pushing you to do just a little bit more each session so that you’re building strength and endurance but not getting discouraged because the exercises are too difficult. I had tried doing workouts on my own, but I always became burnt out and stopped. Working out with a group helps keep me motivated and allows me to interact with a bunch of really great people. The most noticeable difference is in my flexibility! When I started, I was barely able to do some of the exercises Michael showed us because my quadriceps were so tight. Now, I’m able to do longer lunges and leg raises with the rest of the group! My strength and endurance have also both increased dramatically. I went from not being able to do a “girly” push-up to doing the real thing in just a couple of weeks! I also have noticed that my waistline has shrunk a few inches and I don’t get tired as easily during the day. I have much more energy than I used to and I feel healthier! Working so hard during boot camp has also helped me make better eating choices, which just makes getting healthy that much easier. Michael is great! He is tough on you because he knows you can push yourself just a little bit more, but he won’t push you enough to keep you from coming back again. He’s encouraging and notices the effort you put into your workout, which helps keep you motivated. The fact that he is upbeat and energetic makes the workouts easier to finish, too! Lauren
This a great boot camp and you have fun and feel amazing after each workout. It really works and the people you work out with are great too. I definitely was not skeptical. I figured what do I have to lose. I have never done a boot camp but I have known people who had and they recommended it. I tried just dieting, cardio at the gym. I have lost 16 pounds and have built my upper body. I still have more to go but I feel really good about myself and hope to continue losing the weight I want. I just fell better and healthier and an all around good feeling about myself. Mike is AMAZING. He is always there and whatever questions I have he answers for me and is always there to help me. I like to be pushed and he does that. I am definitely going to continue with the boot camp after the 90 day challenge with Mike. Tasha Hamel
I began working with Michael on April 4, 2011 after having talked about for months and I mean months. I was skeptical to say the least. But I was willing to give it a shot to see what I could do after all what I had to lose. If you need a program that will work then you need to give it a shot. But when friends asked me if I have been exercising, I told them how great it was to be part of a Boot Camp I had joined. I feel everyone should give it a try, When all else fails, this will work. Let me say I am 60 years young and thought I was in good shape. I had a medical issue, and knew that my doctor had been after me to lose weight for the past 2 years. You see, I had 3 heart attracts and was not over weight, did not have other medical issues prior to my heart problems. After a long talk with the doctor, he advised me it would be the best thing for me to do, and told me there was no reason not to, and quit being afraid. He is very pleased with my progress so far, and to the point that in a few months he is taking me off my heart medicine. Well. I am here to say that with Michael’s help, I have lost 10 pounds and lost 20 inches over all. I have never done this before. I have more energy, sleep better, and just over all have stamina that I did not have before. Example: My husband and I recently went to Vancouver, Canada and walked everywhere we went and I was not tired or have sore muscles from walking so much. I even lost 2 pounds while we were there. My strength and balance has greatly improved and I am able to move along in the program. I credit this to being part of the training I have been receiving from Michael. I have done Weight Watchers for weight loss, and walking never gave me this kind of results. If you are looking for a program that will work, this is it. Michael and his group will work with you to reach your level, at your pace. Is it hard ? Yes. But it is fun also. Currently the group we are in has a lot of 20-30 ish young people, but we Senior’s in the group are keeping pace with them. They encourage us each and every time we are together. If we slack they encourage us and we do the same for them. You will be as surprised as much as I am and you will greatly benefit from Central Florida Fitness Boot Camp. Carol Giddens, 60, Winter Park
Success is defined as “a favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors”. How do you define it? As a former college football player, the mentality of achieving success is defined in only one way….achieving a goal at all cost. As a business owner, I define success as the constant journey of eliminating failure. Don’t let the title “Boot Camp” intimidate you. It is not a workout that is achieved by a drill instructor standing over you and humiliating or pushing you to feats that are not obtainable. It is simply a group of people that are working together with the same goal in mind. That goal is to work together and encourage one another to become healthier. With that in mind, success is obtainable. The drill instructor is in your own head. You know what your body is capable of and you know if you can do one more. You make the decision to get up in the morning. You make the decision about what to eat. Michael Echevarria and John Castro have created an environment to accomplish goals that you didn’t think you could achieve. The support not only comes from them but your fellow campers. Let me share my story with you. I have already shared with you that I was a athlete in my younger years. My memories of my playing days aren’t limited to the grueling days of practice and the constant aches and pains that I live with today. It primarily consists of the relationships that I have with the guys that I experienced these things. As without their support and motivation, I don’t think I would have succeeded. I have tried for years to diet and work out on my own but the result has always been the same….FAILURE! Why? Because it is hard to keep yourself focused and motivated with so many other issues that we face in our every day lives. Since I have started this journey 10 weeks ago, I have lost 20 pounds and 2.5 inches from my waste. I have reduced the pain that I felt when I woke up in the morning. The pain that is created from three herniated discs in my lower back and arthritis in both of my knees and ankles. My diet has changed to a level that is considered healthy and yet I still enjoy all of my vices even though I have learned to enjoy them on a limited basis. I want to remind you that this is a journey that you must commit to and believe in. Michael and John will create that “environment”. My journey didn’t allow me to lose a pound for the first four weeks. I can tell you that after week one, I felt like a new man. Because I am human, it is hard not seeing any “success” right away. Michael’s support with my diet and the motivation of my fellow campers helped me stay focused on my goal. I am 40 years old. Our group of campers are anywhere from early 20’s to late 60’s. We all have one goal……SUCCESS. The question for anyone thinking of trying this program is very simple to answer, “What is keeping you from obtaining your SUCCESS?” The answer is even more simple….YOU! Dan LaForest
Thank you for your help and guidance while participating in your ‘boot camp’. I have mentioned this training to others, and have received mixed opinions. Some of which are: at your age? and just what are you going to do with a ‘new body’. For their information, this is my 64 year old body, and I reserve the right to help it along its journey. Should anyone be indecisive, or on the fence so to speak, I would tell them to JUMP IN with both feet. A true testament of a person’s character and well being is not whether that person wins or loses, but how the game (of life) was played. I have tried self-serving diets and exercise programs, but none have delivered the results I have gotten in just the short while I have been in Michael’s company, having him as a fitness trainer and a good friend. I have had total faith in Michael from the beginning of this exercise program. Believing in one’s self is the absolute beginning concerning anything in this life, and Michael has re-affirmed this belief from day one. There is no “magic” to weight loss or body toning, only self-motivation. Of course,having some sort of guidance with the motivational part is where Michael becomes a friend and mentor of such a wonderful program/experience. Oh, by the way, I am sharing this adventure with my lovely wife. We are both blessed by the results. Your ever gracious student and friend, Jim Giddens
I began working with Michael in April, 2011. I was looking for something different (outside of a gym membership) and wanted to see results. My progress in just eight weeks has been fantastic. I am much stronger, my body has more tone and firmness. I feel better, sleep better and have much more energy. I have lost weight, gained strength, reshaped my body and gained confidence. I look forward to our sessions and want to continue my progress. Michael uses a very positive method of encouragement. What I really like about his approach is he can motivate and build confidence in one’s own abilities. Michael is a very knowledgeable person with lots of positive energy. He’s an excellent teacher and I have full faith and trust in his guidance and professional ability. I would recommend to anyone to give this program a try. This program offers nutrition guidance, support with goals and proper motivation. All of which results in success. Jill Nickols, 43, Winter Park
My wife and I were looking for something fun to do together that would provide us with some health benefits. We had talked about going to a gym together but had not acted on that. My wife found the Central Florida Boot Camp through an online coupon service so we decided to give it a try. I was a little skeptical at first because the work out was only 30 minutes and was outside. Meeting Michael on the first day put a lot of my reservations to rest. The work out was very challenging and we were advised to start slow and do what we could. Michael fits more work into the 30 minutes we are with him than I could ever fit into an hour at the gym. After a few weeks my wife and I have found that our strength and energy have increased dramatically. Exercising outside has also been pleasant watching the sun rise in the cool of the mornings. Michael is very encouraging and challenges you to reach beyond yourself to improve. He also builds camaraderie among the group and we have made some friends. We look forward to our work out days and seeing the other members of the group and how they have improved also. I have gone to a gym for years. I have made some progress working on my own but tend to get comfortable in my routine and rarely switch things up or push myself as hard as I should. Michael’s method of circuit training, switching up the emphasis of exercise sets and encouragement have helped me to focus and challenged me to reach beyond what I was doing on my own. I would encourage you to try Central Florida Boot Camp with Michael Echevarria if you are considering starting an exercise routine. You gain the benefit of working with a certified fitness trainer along with Michael’s special method of positive encouragement and challenge. Paul Hodges, 57, Winter Park
Since March, 2011, my friend and I have been going to Boot Camp with Michael. We attend the 6 am morning session and although it is difficult to get up in the morning, I find it definitely worthwhile to go. The workout is challenging but you work at your own pace. Michael is great at motivating you to perform at “your” best. Michael is very positive and uses humor to get you through the workout. The workout consists of several different exercises and is varied each time so you are constantly pushing yourself. I have slimmed down, gotten toned muscles and more endurance. I find that I am probably in the best shape I have been since my early twenties. Without hesitation, I would recommend this program and Michael to anyone who wants to be challenged and improve their overall fitness. Helena Malchow
I was reluctant to join a boot camp at first because I was afraid it was going to be extremely difficult to follow. But working with Michael changed my mind because he let me work at my own pace and I slowly built my strength to fully follow his challenging routine. I used to go to a regular gym and I didn’t see much results because I had no one there to coach me to do the right exercises and I didn’t feel motivated. Michael class is very upbeat and fun to follow. He used Positive encouragement which helped me to work even harder. I have found that I am more energetic and I get a lot more out of my day because I started the day right. Michelle Tan, 28, Orlando
It’s just 30 minutes a day. Youwon’t believe what 30 minutes a day for 3 days can do for your body. I guarantee you’ll do it! I have exercised but had not done a boot camp program before, so I was a bit skeptical at first. But after the first week, I knew I had made the right choice. Before this program, I had been working out for years at home & sometimes at the gym. I’ve done it all, pilates, yoga, sculpting, aerobics, and even belly dancing. I so far dropped 2 sizes. I feel better, more energetic and healthier. Mike is a great motivator. He doesn’t put any pressure and always makes sure that you’re doing ok and do not strain yourself. Yanette Nieves
When I first started boot camp, I didn’t know what to expect. Was this going to be someone yelling and screaming at just a group of people who were robots doing old-fashioned calisthenics? But is a very friendly group who don’t know how to do everything, but we try really hard! I have lost over 20”, 9 lbs, 5% body fat and gained muscle. I can now do regular guy push ups, (couldn’t do 1 girl push up when I started) and I enjoy working workout! I look forward to coming to boot camp, I have more energy, I understand why I am working on the different muscle groups. The best part- I can now compete with my teenager who is a competitive cheerleader! Mike is AWESOME!! He tells us why we do certain exercises, what muscle groups they are for and how to really focus on the muscle. He describes how it should feel when when we do the exercise correctly and if we don’t feel it, he shows us what we are doing incorrectly and how to fix it. He offers suggestions based on his experience of which types of foods to pair together for optimum results. Mike makes boot camp FUN, it a a lot of work, but it is a great experience that I am glad to be part of. If you are sitting on the fence, what do you have to lose? You could keep complaining about how you feel and look or come have fun with some great people and do something about it. Cheryl Roberson, 41, Oviedo, Fl
I have been going to the boot camp for over a year now and really enjoy it. I have gotten maximum results and my fitness level has really improved. I enjoy the camaraderie of the group and I know that Michael really wants us to succeed. My doctor told me I have pre-osteoporosis and this training is preventing it from becoming worse. At 66 years old the training is helping me to look & feel younger. Thanks Michael for your commitment & dedication to us. Aida Parr, Oviedo, Fl
I am on my second boot camp program and have been doing if for almost two years. I like the Fitness by Example program because they always change things up. You never do the same workout twice in a row. I tried other things like the gyms, classes, even videos. This is the first thing that has worked for me long term. The trainers are so good at what they do. It takes all the “work” out of “working out”. No more deciding what exercises to do and how many times. Because I work hard during the workouts, it motivates me to eat better. I love the progress that I have made with my body. My boyfriend does, too! I look better, I feel better, and I sleep better, I’m hooked! If you are thinking about trying it, give it a shot. I think it is the best program out there, especially for the money! Sharon Pollino, 51, Orlando, Fl
My girlfriend had been doing the boot camp training for a while and I decided that it might be something that would work for me as well. My primary goal other than to lose a few pounds, is to stay healthy as I get older. The very first workout was really hard. But each workout got progressively easier as my muscles adapted. The workouts are not easy. But because it is only 45 minutes, 3 times a week, if it wasn’t as intense it would have far less benefit. I told my girlfriend after the 2nd workout, that I would be doing this for the rest of my life. I feel that it is the most effective way to maintain my health as I get older. Overall, it’s a fun group to be a part of. There are all ages and fitness levels. I would recommend it to anyone! The one thing I would suggest is to plan on sticking with it for at least a month. It does get easier as you get in shape. John Brandorff, 51, Orlando, Fl
“Michael is without a doubt the best trainer I’ve met. He has an amazing understanding of training the body and coaches the mind for better results. Since working with Michael, I’ve become stronger and leaner. And within two months noticed an amazing difference in the way I felt and the way my clothes fit. He inspires, motivates, and has challenging yet incredibly rewarding workouts. Michael is a consummate professional and can tailor workouts for a variety of abilities and fitness levels. I consider Mike as one of the my best personal support team I have the pleasure of knowing. It is with much gratitude that I recommend him.” Dawn Jensen, 38, Oviedo, Fl
Our outdoor boot camp is at 6 am, 6:45 am, & 7:30 am and also at 5:30 & 6:15 pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We are located at 4500 Dike Rd, Winter Park, 32792 (First Baptist church of Tuscawilla) Our indoor boot camp is at 12:15 pm every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. We are located at The Active Healthy Living Center at 8257 Narcoosee Park Dr., Orlando 32822 The classes are 30 minutes long and are designed for all ages and fitness levels!