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The Fastest, Easiest & Last Weight Loss Program You’ll Ever Need


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8 Weeks to your New Body!

This Is The Ultimate Fat Loss Program…

I’m going to help you every step of the way. I will use all the resources at my disposal to guarantee your success as long as you put in your best effort.

Jill before side
Jill after side November 7

You’re Not Alone Anymore!

Judi side before January 24th
Judi side after March 21st

Going at it alone does not work, but my success-proven fitness system does! You will have full access to me to guide you and coach you every step of the way, including via:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Text
  • Facebook

Now, before you assume my program is too hard for you, keep this in mind… 

I have many 40, 50– and 60-year-olds participating in my program, and my average client stays in the program for over 24 months! Do you really think they would stay that long if my program was too difficult? No way!

Arbra before side January 26th
Arbra after side March 23rd

I have truly enjoyed the classes. They are shorter than most boot camps but the intensity makes up for it, I have benefited more from this boot camp than from the prior 3 that were hour long sessions.

I do not have much time to work out so it becomes very difficult to stay on track but because these classes are 30 minutes long and super intense you are able to get the same if not better results from Michael’s course. He is very motivational and positive.

In 6 weeks I noticed a difference and actually look forward to the workouts. You feel like a brand new person after each class. I would recommend this course to everyone; you pick your own intensity so this course will benefit anyone no matter what shape you are in.

Ivette Lorenzo

I really enjoy your boot camp! I think you do a great job with the classes and I really like the workout regiments (even if I still can’t do a pushup to save my life).

It is by far the best 30 minute workout I have ever done and a much better bootcamp than the ones I have done in the past. 

Rebecca Simmons

I joined Michael’s boot camp and what a joy. I had shoulder surgery 6 months before and was looking for something rebuild my strength.  It is so good to get up early and start the day with a great work out. Michael makes the program fun and achievable and the time goes quickly. Another great thing is there are AM and PM classes so it can work to fit your schedule. Michael gives easy Instruction and guidance for good form to help benefit your success. He is very easy to follow and helps you feel encouraged to keep up the good work so you will be successful.

I have tried several other programs over the past few months since my surgery but this one has been my favorite by far and have seen the most progress. I went to bootcamp in Oviedo, I also went to Yoga in Winter Park, also went to a personal trainer at Casselberry. All the programs are what you put into each workout but by far I have been encouraged by Michael and seen the most success. I believe it is his technique and knowledge of the full  workout.

Dorothy Gura, Winter Park

I’ve been in boot for almost two months now, I love it. That statement means a lot coming from me. At first I was doubtful not only was I in bad shape,  but I’m shy and I have not worked out in a long time. I have tried several diets after I gained all the weight during my pregnancy. My daughter is almost two now.

After all this time I finally have people coming over to me and saying “hey are we dropping some pounds, you look slimmer…that’s all you dream of.”

All I need was a little help and someone to guide me. Michael is so great at what he does. Even before I started, I wrote him because I was embarrassed; he answered me right away with such a motivated and nice email that I knew I was ready to start.

I have more energy, my clothes fits better. I still have a long way to go. However now I can almost make it through the work out all the way. It feel s so good to do something for yourself and not only that but be able to see how your body reacts in a positive way to  what you are trying. The class is so much fun, and even when it’s a group I honestly feel like I have my own personal trainer.

Michael will encourage you through the work out, assist in your form, and just be there. Now even if I’m in the gym  I heard him saying FINISH STRONG! You just need to try it, don’t take my word for it; give yourself a chance for a better you. Thanks Michael Echevarria!

Adriana Bolivares

Take a second to imagine how life would be different if…

  • You had a lean, sexy body that turned heads everywhere you went.
  • You had more energy to do the things you wanted to do with your family and friends.
  • You demanded the respect of your coworkers, friends, and family because of your new appearance.
  • Everyone was wondering what your secret was and how you got the body of your dreams.
  • Finally you were able to stop being ashamed of your body and were instead happy to show it off!

The great news is that you can have all this and more if you choose to take part in our 8 Week F.A.T. Method Program! 

Joining Michael’s bootcamp class has been one of the best decisions I have made. I have noticed a HUGE increase in my upper and lower body strength and my stamina has also increased tremendously.

Although challenging, the bootcamp classes are lots of fun and Michael keeps everyone super motivated! The workouts are never the same so it keeps the body guessing. If anyone is interested in joining a bootcamp class, I recommend this one 110%. Thanks so much Michael! 

Katie Feisthammel, Oviedo

I  did my first boot camp May 7, 2012… and was instantly hooked. It was tough the first few times, but not enough to quit, and I can already feel myself getting stronger! I’ve lost 7 lbs so far and people are already starting to notice. I was able to real pushups after only 10 short workouts, and my endurance has increased tenfold.

I was so inspired I signed up for the Tough Mudder in December! I’ve never done anything like that before. I really look forward to the workouts because they are quick, fun, and Challenging. Michael is a great trainer, he encourages without badgering. I would highly recommend sessions with Michael to anyone who wants to lose weight, gain confidence, build endurance, tone muscles, get stronger and be healthy.

Rebecca Curry, Oviedo

On the fencers: once you get there, you have fun and you see the results!

Yes we were reluctant at first, but so glad we went. Signing up for the Y doesn’t work for us… we feel we are accountable when we don’t show up. I play tennis as well, and I am hoping this core/strength training will help my game as well as toning down our “muffin tops”.

We  have benefited by knowing we accomplished each and every boot camp and though we have not lost “a lot of weight” we can see changes in our bodies.

Rob and Jen Adams, Winter Park

I began working with Michael on February 13, 2012. I have previously exercised via DVD’s or sometimes a class here and there. But when I saw the progress I made with two of my co-workers were having with their Boot Camp Classes, I decided to give it a try.

I am so happy that I made that decision. My progress in the past 7 weeks has been amazing. I have so much more energy and I can definitely see results. I have begun to eat better and also sleep much better. My main goal was toning and firming with Michael’s encouragement and his faith in me I am starting to see my changes.

Michael is a very easy person to work with and an excellent teacher. I look forward to our sessions and Michael makes working out fun. I certainly recommend giving it a try.  If you are surprised as I was, you will greatly benefit from Michael Echevarria’s service.

Debbie Gonzalez, Kissimmee

I began attending Michael’s boot camp last year for a brief Period of time. I stopped attending due to my work schedule. However, this year my schedule has allowed me to start classes again. It’s great to be able to take out time for yourself.

At first I was reluctant to have to work out outside but it’s actually nice after being inside an office all day. I look forward to my M-W-F because I know it’s time I’ve set aside and it also helps to keep me accountable. Michael is very motivating but also stresses the importance of going at your own speed and knowing your limits. There is never any pressure to push beyond a safe limit. The workout is only 30 minutes, but the workout sequence keeps your heart rate up and is an efficient way to get cardio and muscle building benefits.

The workouts are fun and a much better way of utilizing the precious time you have  than walking on a treadmill for an hour. I would recommend Michael’s boot camp to anyone wanting to improve their overall well-being and working towards building a healthier body.

Dr. Vanessa Morales, O.D.

When I first saw the word’s “bootcamp” I thought: “oh dear, this is going to hurt”. I knew I hadn’t worked out in a while and was reluctant to start the training. Now, 4 months later, I am SOO glad I did! I have more muscle, more energy, and overall better health since starting the program.

The class is great; you can start and proceed at your own pace. If you haven’t worked out in a while (like me), start off slow – learn the exercises, and get used to working out again. Once you do that, all you have to do is show up and perform – the more you push yourself the better results you get. It’s all up to you and what you can do.

I tried working out at gyms, and work out videos, but got easily distracted or gave up because I was tired or lacked the motivation. Having Mike there teaching the classes really helps – whether it’s learning a new exercise or motivating you to keep going – the results are there and you’ll love it when  you see them. If anyone is on the fence, I’d say go for it – you’ll get the results you want and have the support to get there. 

Joshua Zawicki, Orlando

I was very skeptical to use Mike’s service at first, more because I thought I wasn’t able to do such workouts, and I did not believe in myself. But Mike is an amazing trainer and it’s great to work with such a fitness expert. Not only is he great in training you every step of the way, but he’s also great at motivating you to fight through every obstacle.

Mike is not only a trainer, but he is also a friend. He Inspires you to succeed and to strive for your goals. Whether the objective is  building strength, weight loss or increasing your endurance, Mike makes you believe you can achieve it. From the boot camp I have become stronger and learned the right way of doing exercise.

It has motivated me to believe in myself and has made me feel more energized. I’m losing weight which is amazing and it also helps me make healthier choices in my day to day life. I would highly recommend anyone to use Mike’s services; it has changed my life in a tremendous way.

Gisselle De Leon, Orlando

Times and locations for the boot camps

Our outdoor boot camp is located in front of Living Hope Church on the corner of Dike Rd and Tuscawilla Rd.The address is 4500 Dike Rd, Winter Park, 32792. The M-W-F sessions are at 6 am; 5:30 &  6:15 pm. The Saturday morning Tough Mudder training is at 7 am.  

Are you ready to finally achieve your weight loss and fitness goals AND maintain them forever?

Well, I’m ready to help you every step of the way… LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER!

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