The old saying little by little is more powerful than most people think. I know, I was one of those people who didn’t really understand that saying and definitely didn’t want to know anything about it. You know what I am talking about, you got to have everything NOW which means the more you do, the faster the results right? WRONG! Think about it, how many of you have thought to yourself “this time is it, I’m going to start this new weight loss program and I’m going to stick to it, no matter what! Roughly two weeks later you are already off the program. Why?

More often than not you probably started off too fast or changed too many things from your normal routine at one time, or both! While our intentions our good the results we get from that kind of approach are not. We are like the rabbit running out of gas and the tortoise goes steady plodding by.

It is my opinion that most of us resist change, in fact I am going to go out on a limb and say darn nearly every one of us do. It’s almost like it is encoded in our DNA.  So when we try to change too much, especially too quickly, it just doesn’t work. We are fighting against our nature.

So when we begin our training we must start gradually and build up over time.  This is easy for people who have a one on one personal trainer, because the trainer should design a progressive program designed for our goals and current condition.

Now for those who first come to my boot camp, I emphasize that they take it easy in the beginning and only do what they can do and not to push it too hard.  However, there are many who don’t listen to me, because either they used to be in shape years ago or they think they can lose the weight faster if they push it really hard! Well, it just doesn’t work that way and the vast majority quit!  While the ones who listen and don’t let ego get in the way are the ones who continue on and make great progress!!  

Also, most people change what they eat and cut their calories down too low at the same time. Talk about some serious shock to the body! It’s a wonder people can even hang on for two weeks, that’s why most of us don’t. It’s been my personal experience that impatience, the wanting of a particular result quicker than you are prepared for, is the chief reason for most failures and setbacks. I should know I have gone through plenty of them. So instead of quick results that are not lasting, or that don’t even materialize let’s focus on gradual progression.

Patience is key! So by starting off slowly and in the proper order, you are setting yourself up to reaching your fitness goals.

If you would like customized fitness training that guarantees results or like to join out boot camp call us at 407-529-4512 or email us at We also train people with diabetes, hypertension, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and older population.

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